Debunking the myth of solar panels melting asphalt shingles. Unravel the truth with Green Mountain Solar for a worry-free solar journey.
Start your solar journey off right with an in-person site evaluation, it is the best way to ensure you are going with the right solar company!
Debunking the myth: Solar isn't toxic! Discover the truth about solar panels, sustainability, and their environmental impact. Read now!
Should I go solar? We’ve got 5 answers that point to yes!
Solar may be an investment but it’s more accessible than you may think. Green Mountain Solar walks through the ins and outs of financing solar panels.
Let's Solarize Charlotte with Green Mountain Solar! The town of Charlotte in Vermont is running a Solarize campaign with local solar company, Green Mountain Solar. This campaign incentives the community to go solar by applying discounts to charlotte solar arrays.
Green Mountain Solar, a Vermont-based solar installation company founded in 2017, has grown to a team of 30 people and installed nearly three megawatts of solar systems in 2022.
Discover how Solar energy can electrify all your needs with efficiency and sustainability. Get expert advice and installation services from Efficiency Vermont and Green Mountain Solar.
Support CVOEO this holiday season and donate in our holiday donation drive. We're accepting specific items at our South Burlington office until 1/11.
Green Mountain Solar partners with Renewable Energy Vermont and VSECU for a solar finance webinar.
The federal solar tax incentives have broadened so that Vermont tax-exempt entities can pursue renewable energy.
What do we really mean when we promise “no hard sales”? Green Mountain Solar’s Paul Lesure explains our solar process on Cracking the Cash Flow podcast.