New England Saves $1.1 BILLION Thanks to Local Solar!

Green Mountain Solar explores a new study on the savings of solar by Synapse Energy.

You’ve heard it before: solar is good for the environment, it increases your resiliency, and it can save you money. But now, you can really see it for yourself.


New data proves the true benefit of local solar power to all New Englanders (including folks without solar)! Solar in New England saved utilities and their customers more than $1.1 billion in wholesale electricity costs from 2014 to 2019. When people make energy locally through solar, that means that utility companies buy less energy from power plants. Plus, when companies need less electricity, they can also avoid buying electricity from most expensive power plants in order to meet their energy demands. Together, this yields serious savings to the tune of $1.1 billion dollars. In turn, this lowers the cost passed on to the consumer. And this is true of all consumers who get an electric bill—not just solar-panel owners. And how did Vermont do? Vermont saved $79 million and that is notable for our brave little state.

The region also reduced public health and climate risk from fossil fuel extraction and emissions. The report estimates that in keeping hundreds of thousands of pounds of pollutants out of the environment (largely by reducing our reliance on natural-gas power plants), solar saved New Englanders $87 million in pollutants-related health care costs. Solar also kept 4.6 million metric tons of CO2 out of the atmosphere during this same 2014-2019 timeframe.

Essentially, when solar is producing energy at our homes and businesses, we’re turning away from power plants in New England. Burning significantly fewer fossil fuels and protecting the health of our environment and local communities is no small win!

With this new information, it couldn’t be a more important time to get policies in place to catalyze and enhance the sustainable energy transition right here in New England. In 2021, we are hopeful that new widespread opportunities to support local renewables will arise, so we can continue this uplifting trend.

Interested in Going Solar?

Our solar advisors are expert consultants in the industry, and they are more than happy to provide a free educational site visit and answer any questions you may have about going solar. No high-pressure sales tactics or gimmicks—we want to help you make the best decision for your home energy needs. Contact a solar advisor today!
